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Business and Strategy

Business and Strategy

Is It Time to Quit Your Job and Start Your Own Business?

In the whirlwind of today’s fast-paced world, a growing number of individuals find themselves standing at a pivotal crossroad. This junction, often marked by a relentless tug-of-war between the security of a day job and the allure of entrepreneurial freedom, is where dreams clash with reality.

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Business and Strategy

12 ‘WIN-ning’ Characteristics of a Successful Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is not just a career; it’s a way of life and a journey that not many vow to take. It involves transforming an idea into a profitable business, often characterized by taking risks, thinking creatively, solving a common pain point, and sheer willpower.

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Business and Strategy

How to Get a Small Business Loan: Guide for Entrepreneurs

This comprehensive guide aims to help you navigate the process of obtaining a small business loan to ensure you’re well-equipped to access the financial resources necessary to foster your business growth.

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Business and StrategyHome Inspection Industry

The Home Services Industry in the U.S. – Insights from Statistics

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and the desire for on-demand services, the home services industry in the U.S. has evolved as a linchpin of comfort and convenience.

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Business and Strategy

How to Start a Small Business: 10 Simple Steps

If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, you may find the prospect of starting a small business both exhilarating and a little unnerving. If this is you, don’t worry! This article breaks down the complex process into 10 simple, actionable steps.

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Business and Strategy

Navigating Your Career Shift: From Employee to Entrepreneur

The American Dream has often been equated with entrepreneurial endeavor—the aspiration to build something of your own. However, the journey of entrepreneurship is greatly influenced by the business landscape of the place where you decide to plant your seed.

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Business and Strategy

Your Guide to Starting a Small Business in North Carolina

The American Dream has often been equated with entrepreneurial endeavor—the aspiration to build something of your own. However, the journey of entrepreneurship is greatly influenced by the business landscape of the place where you decide to plant your seed.

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Home Inspection IndustryBusiness and Strategy

How to Start a Home Services Business

If you’re interested in starting a home services business, here are the essential steps you’ll need to take how much you’ll need to account for the business opportunity, some tips for being successful, as well as information about a recession-resistant home services opportunity for you to consider.

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Business and Strategy

What Is a Home-Based Business and How to Start One?

Have you ever dreamt of being your own boss, setting your own hours, and escaping the daily grind of the commute? A home-based business might just be your ticket to a balanced and fulfilling professional life.

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